82 research outputs found

    Presentation Mode of Glycans Affect Recognition of Human Serum anti-Neu5Gc IgG Antibodies

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    Recognition of carbohydrates by antibodies can be affected by antigen composition and density. This had been investigated in a variety of controllable multivalent systems using synthetic carbohydrate antigens, yet such effects on anticarbohydrate antibodies in circulating human serum have not been fully addressed thus far. All humans develop a polyclonal and diverse response against carbohydrates containing a nonhuman sialic acid form, N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). This red meat-derived monosaccharide is incorporated into a diverse collection of human glycans resulting in circulating anti-Neu5Gc antibodies in human sera. Such antibodies can cause exacerbation of diseases mediated by chronic inflammation such as cancer and atherosclerosis. We aimed to evaluate how different presentation modes of Neu5Gc-glycans can affect the detection of anti-Neu5Gc IgGs in human serum. Here, we compare serum IgG recognition of Neu5Gc-containing glycoproteins, glycopeptides, and synthetic glycans. First, Neu5Gc-positive or Neu5Gc-deficient mouse strains were used to generate glycopeptides from serum glycoproteins. Then we developed a reproducible ELISA to screen human sera against Neu5Gc-positive glycopeptides for detection of human serum anti-Neu5Gc IgGs. Finally, we evaluated ELISA screens against glycopeptides in comparison with glycoproteins, as well as against elaborated arrays displaying synthetic Neu5Gc-glycans. Our results demonstrate that the presentation mode and diversity of Neu5Gc-glycans are critical for detection of the full collection of human serum anti-Neu5Gc IgGs

    Sensitive and Specific Detection of the Non-Human Sialic Acid N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid In Human Tissues and Biotherapeutic Products

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    Humans are genetically defective in synthesizing the common mammalian sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), but can metabolically incorporate it from dietary sources (particularly red meat and milk) into glycoproteins and glycolipids of human tumors, fetuses and some normal tissues. Metabolic incorporation of Neu5Gc from animal-derived cells and medium components also results in variable contamination of molecules and cells intended for human therapies. These Neu5Gc-incorporation phenomena are practically significant, because normal humans can have high levels of circulating anti-Neu5Gc antibodies. Thus, there is need for the sensitive and specific detection of Neu5Gc in human tissues and biotherapeutic products. Unlike monoclonal antibodies that recognize Neu5Gc only in the context of underlying structures, chicken immunoglobulin Y (IgY) polyclonal antibodies can recognize Neu5Gc in broader contexts. However, prior preparations of such antibodies (including our own) suffered from some non-specificity, as well as some cross-reactivity with the human sialic acid N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac).We have developed a novel affinity method utilizing sequential columns of immobilized human and chimpanzee serum sialoglycoproteins, followed by specific elution from the latter column by free Neu5Gc. The resulting mono-specific antibody shows no staining in tissues or cells from mice with a human-like defect in Neu5Gc production. It allows sensitive and specific detection of Neu5Gc in all underlying glycan structural contexts studied, and is applicable to immunohistochemical, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blot and flow cytometry analyses. Non-immune chicken IgY is used as a reliable negative control. We show that these approaches allow sensitive detection of Neu5Gc in human tissue samples and in some biotherapeutic products, and finally show an example of how Neu5Gc might be eliminated from such products, by using a human cell line grown under defined conditions.We report a reliable antibody-based method for highly sensitive and specific detection of the non-human sialic acid Neu5Gc in human tissues and biotherapeutic products that has not been previously described

    Polyclonal human antibodies against glycans bearing red meat-derived non-human sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid are stable, reproducible, complex and vary between individuals: Total antibody levels are associated with colorectal cancer risk.

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    BACKGROUND: N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) is a non-human red-meat-derived sialic acid immunogenic to humans. Neu5Gc can be metabolically incorporated into glycan chains on human endothelial and epithelial surfaces. This represents the first example of a "xeno-autoantigen", against which circulating human "xeno-autoantibodies" can react. The resulting inflammation ("xenosialitis") has been demonstrated in human-like Neu5Gc-deficient mice and contributed to carcinoma progression via antibody-mediated inflammation. Anti-Neu5Gc antibodies have potential as biomarkers for diseases associated with red meat consumption such as carcinomas, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes. METHODS: ELISA assays measured antibodies against Neu5Gc or Neu5Gc-glycans in plasma or serum samples from the Nurses' Health Studies, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, including inter-assay reproducibility, stability with delayed sample processing, and within-person reproducibility over 1-3 years in archived samples. We also assessed associations between antibody levels and coronary artery disease risk (CAD) or red meat intake. A glycan microarray was used to detected antibodies against multiple Neu5Gc-glycan epitopes. A nested case-control study design assessed the association between total anti-Neu5Gc antibodies detected in the glycan array assay and the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). RESULTS: ELISA assays showed a wide range of anti-Neu5Gc responses and good inter-assay reproducibility, stability with delayed sample processing, and within-person reproducibility over time, but these antibody levels did not correlate with CAD risk or red meat intake. Antibodies against Neu5Gc alone or against individual Neu5Gc-bearing epitopes were also not associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. However, a sialoglycan microarray study demonstrated positive association with CRC risk when the total antibody responses against all Neu5Gc-glycans were combined. Individuals in the top quartile of total anti-Neu5Gc IgG antibody concentrations had nearly three times the risk compared to those in the bottom quartile (Multivariate Odds Ratio comparing top to bottom quartile: 2.98, 95% CI: 0.80, 11.1; P for trend = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Further work harnessing the utility of these anti-Neu5Gc antibodies as biomarkers in red meat-associated diseases must consider diversity in individual antibody profiles against different Neu5Gc-bearing glycans. Traditional ELISA assays for antibodies directed against Neu5Gc alone, or against specific Neu5Gc-glycans may not be adequate to define risk associations. Our finding of a positive association of total anti-Neu5Gc antibodies with CRC risk also warrants confirmation in larger prospective studies

    Generation of cattle knockout for galactose‐α1,3‐galactose and N‐glycolylneuraminic acid antigens

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    Two well-characterized carbohydrate epitopes are absent in humans but present in other mammals. These are galactose-α1,3-galactose (αGal) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) which are introduced by the activities of two enzymes including α(1,3) galactosyltransferase (encoded by the GGTA1 gene) and CMP-Neu5Gc hydroxylase (encoded by the CMAH gene) that are inactive in humans but present in cattle. Hence, bovine-derived products are antigenic in humans who receive bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs) or those that suffer from red meat syndrome. Using programmable nucleases, we disrupted (knockout, KO) GGTA1 and CMAH genes encoding for the enzymes that catalyse the synthesis of αGal and Neu5Gc, respectively, in both male and female bovine fibroblasts. The KO in clonally selected fibroblasts was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Selected fibroblasts colonies were used for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to produce cloned embryos that were implanted in surrogate recipient heifers. Fifty-three embryos were implanted in 33 recipients heifers; 3 pregnancies were carried to term and delivered 3 live calves. Primary cell cultures were established from the 3 calves and following molecular analyses confirmed the genetic deletions. FACS analysis showed the double-KO phenotype for both antigens confirming the mutated genotypes. Availability of such cattle double-KO model lacking both αGal and Neu5Gc offers a unique opportunity to study the functionality of BHV manufactured with tissues of potentially lower immunogenicity, as well as a possible new clinical approaches to help patients with red meat allergy syndrome due to the presence of these xenoantigens in the diet

    Differential Immune Response to Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Tissues in the α1,3Galactosyltransferase-Knockout Mouse Model

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    Structural valve deterioration (SVD) of bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs) has great clinical and economic consequences. Notably, immunity against BHVs plays a major role in SVD, especially when implanted in young and middle-aged patients. However, the complex pathogenesis of SVD remains to be fully characterized, and analyses of commercial BHVs in standardized-preclinical settings are needed for further advancement. Here, we studied the immune response to commercial BHV tissue of bovine, porcine, and equine origin after subcutaneous implantation into adult a1,3-galactosyltransferase-knockout (Gal KO) mice. The levels of serum anti-galactose a1,3-galactose (Gal) and -non-Gal IgM and IgG antibodies were determined up to 2 months post-implantation. Based on histological analyses, all BHV tissues studied triggered distinct infiltrating cellular immune responses that related to tissue degeneration. Increased anti-Gal antibody levels were found in serum after ATS 3f and Freedom/Solo implantation but not for Crown or Hancock II grafts. Overall, there were no correlations between cellular-immunity scores and post-implantation antibodies, suggesting these are independent factors differentially affecting the outcome of distinct commercial BHVs. These findings provide further insights into the understanding of SVD immunopathogenesis and highlight the need to evaluate immune responses as a confounding factor

    Characterization of immunogenic Neu5Gc in bioprosthetic heart valves

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    Background: The two common sialic acids (Sias) in mammals are N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and its hydroxylated form N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). Unlike most mammals, humans cannot synthesize Neu5Gc that is considered foreign and recognized by circulating antibodies. Thus, Neu5Gc is a potential xenogenic carbohydrate antigen in bioprosthetic heart valves (BHV) that tend to deteriorate in time within human patients. Methods: We investigated Neu5Gc expression in non-engineered animal-derived cardiac tissues and in clinically used commercial BHV, and evaluated Neu5Gc immunogenicity on BHV through recognition by human anti-Neu5Gc IgG. Results: Neu5Gc was detected by immunohistochemistry in porcine aortic valves and in porcine and bovine pericardium. Qualitative analysis of Sia linkages revealed Siaa2-3> Siaa2-6 on porcine/bovine pericardium while the opposite in porcine aortic/pulmonary valve cusps. Similarly, six commercial BHV containing either porcine aortic valve or porcine/bovine/equine pericardium revealed Siaa2-3> Siaa2-6 expression. Quantitative analysis of Sia by HPLC showed porcine/bovine pericardium express 4-fold higher Neu5Gc levels compared to the porcine aortic/pulmonary valves, with Neu5Ac at 6-fold over Neu5Gc. Likewise, Neu5Gc was expressed on commercial BHV (186.3 +/- 16.9 pmol Sia/mu g protein), with Neu5Ac at 8-fold over Neu5Gc. Affinity-purified human anti-Neu5Gc IgG showing high specificity toward Neu5Gc-glycans (with no binding to Neu5Ac-glycans) on a glycan microarray, strongly bound to all tested commercial BHV, demonstrating Neu5Gc immune recognition in cardiac xenografts. Conclusions: We conclusively demonstrated Neu5Gc expression in native cardiac tissues, as well as in six commercial BHV. These Neu5Gc xeno-antigens were recognized by human anti-Neu5Gc IgG, supporting their immunogenicity. Altogether, these findings suggest BHV-Neu5Gc/anti-Neu5Gc may play a role in valve deterioration warranting further investigation

    “Clinical Stability” and Propensity Score Matching in Cardiac Surgery: is the clinical evaluation of treatment efficacy algorithmdependent in small sample size settings?

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    Background: Propensity score matching represents one of the most popular techniques to deal with treatment allocation bias in observational studies. However, when the number of enrolled patients is very low, the creation of matched set of subjects may highly depend on the model used to estimate individual propensity scores, undermining the stability of consequential clinical findings. In this study, we investigate the potential issues related to the stability of the matched sets created by different propensity score models and we propose some diagnostic tools to evaluate them. Methods: Matched groups of patients were created using five different methods: Logistic Regression, Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, Random Forest and Generalized Boosted Model. Differences between subjects in the matched sets were evaluated by comparing both pre-treatment covariates and propensity score distributions. We applied our proposal to a cardio-surgical observational study that aims to compare two different procedures of cardiac valve replacement. Results: Both baseline characteristics and propensity score distributions were systematically different across matched samples of patients created with different models used to estimate propensity score. The most relevant differences were observed for the matched set created by estimating individual propensity scores with Classification and Regression Trees algorithm. Conclusion: Clinical stability of matched samples created with different statistical methods should always be evaluated to ensure reliability of final estimates. This work opens the door for future investigations that fully assess the implications of this finding
